I couldn’t be more happy! Thank you so much to MotoringConBrio.com for posting the article and thank you to all the lovely people who posted comments on the article. As a newcomer to wordpress this is incredibly exciting! Article Link

I couldn’t be more happy! Thank you so much to MotoringConBrio.com for posting the article and thank you to all the lovely people who posted comments on the article. As a newcomer to wordpress this is incredibly exciting! Article Link
Mount Lemmon is amazingly scenic right now. I found an amazing little spot to do a some guerilla style photography. I had to cut a little ziptie to get into the little area where I took these. Totally worth it. … Continue reading
Cars and Coffee events have been popping up all over the country since the original Crystal Cove car show in California started several years ago. Tucson’s own Cars and Coffee celebrated its 1 year anniversary just last month. It went … Continue reading
I did a quick shoot out by the train tracks with my friends NA Miata. All photos taken with my new 50mm F/1.8
I finally went ahead and bought the cheap yet spectacular Nikon 50mm F/1.8. (Stock photo) I’ve had it a few days now and I have yet to take it off. There’s something addictive about prime lenses like the 50mm or … Continue reading
Stumbled upon one of my favorite ever cars on a recent trip up to Scottsdale. It was parked in the Valet lot in one of the many high-end shopping areas in Scottsdale. When walking back from taking photos of the … Continue reading