Did a fairly quick photo shoot of Max's M5 yesterday. I'll be shooting it with an e46 M3 tomorrow and should have the photos up within a few days from then.
I’ve been browsing around your site for a bit. First off, I love the layout, font, etc. Everything about it is top quality. I especially liked your article/photo set of the M5. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed looking through your site. Your picture style is quite interesting… I really like it. Keep up the good work.
I’ve been browsing around your site for a bit. First off, I love the layout, font, etc. Everything about it is top quality. I especially liked your article/photo set of the M5. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed looking through your site. Your picture style is quite interesting… I really like it. Keep up the good work.
Zachary Koontz
Thank you very much!