My friends beautiful e36 M3 is for sale. Having driven it extensively I can tell you that this car is more than amazing. It’s truly the most fun car I’ve ever driven. Its got an amazing amount of power, unparalleled … Continue reading

My friends beautiful e36 M3 is for sale. Having driven it extensively I can tell you that this car is more than amazing. It’s truly the most fun car I’ve ever driven. Its got an amazing amount of power, unparalleled … Continue reading
…and got some of my favorite shots of the Benz that I’ve ever taken. Made 4 stops in total on the drive up, this being the first. No snow yet but a great place to get a high-key portrait like … Continue reading
Did a fairly quick photo shoot of Max’s M5 yesterday. I’ll be shooting it with an e46 M3 tomorrow and should have the photos up within a few days from then.